Certainty Perspectives . Certainty Perspectives .

Bible Study Tools

Reading the Bible has been a daily habit of mine for many years, but studying the scriptures is a practice that..........

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Certainty Perspectives . Certainty Perspectives .

How I Eliminated My Phone Addiction

I have read numerous articles containing data that revealed that those who own smartphones spend an average of 4-6 hours on their devices daily. Based on my experience……

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Certainty Perspectives . Certainty Perspectives .

For Those On A Difficult Path

We all experience various amounts of difficulty and hardships in our lives, but for some there is a greater level of struggle and pain…..

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Fear Not

There are moments in life that cause us to fear. Times in which what is before us or perceived to be, is too much…….

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Certainty Perspectives . Certainty Perspectives .

Road Rage Incidents

I currently live in an area where road rage is a guaranteed experience each time I drive my vehicle…..

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God Is Our Refuge And Strength!

The number of times in which I have gone to the 46th chapter of the book of Psalm within my Bible are innumerable………..

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No More Explanations

There have been moments in which God has led me to do something and as I moved forward……….

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Want To Make A Name For Yourself? (Part 1)

Many Christians are familiar with a moment mentioned in Bible scripture and known as “The Tower of Babylon.” During this event the people………

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When Technology Becomes A Hindrance

Technology is a gift which has improved our lives, but for some of us, it has also become a spiritual hindrance………..

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Good News!

When God created the world, it was perfect and when he observed all that he had created it was “very” good (Genesis 1:31)……..

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You Were Purposely Created

Many people throughout the world walk aimlessly through life feeling as though they have no purpose………

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