Road Rage Incidents

I currently live in an area where road rage is a guaranteed experience each time I drive my vehicle. I moved back to the area from another state in 2022 and in doing so my car insurance cost rose significantly due to the high number of traffic accidents that occur here.

Road rage can consist of aggressive driving, yelling at another motorist, honking rooted in anger, cutting off another vehicle, exiting a vehicle to confront another motorist (which sometimes leads to violence), tailgating, and purposely bumping/ramming another vehicle.

Realizing this is unavoidable and nearly being in an accident each time I drive, I lamented getting on the road to go anywhere and the behavior of many drivers angered me. An understandable feeling considering my experiences, but I felt convicted about my thoughts, feelings, and the words I sometimes verbalized.

I am a Christian who follows Jesus, and he informed us that we are to love even our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Now, I wouldn’t classify the aggressive drivers I encounter as enemies. Still, if I am to love those who are enemies, surely, I am to also love those whose driving and behavior on the road is very concerning.

Real love goes beyond a feeling or thought and leads to some form of action. So, in response to my conviction, I purposed within my heart to pray for each driver I encountered who drove or behaved in a way that could be defined as road rage. In doing this I no longer dread getting on the road and the anger I once felt has ceased.

While being nailed to a cross, Jesus prayed for God the Father to forgive those who were crucifying him. If he did that, then surely as a follower of him I can pray for the drivers I encounter whose actions and behavior on the roads that I travel alarm me.


All Things Work Together for Good


The Hardest Place to Be a Christian