When Technology Becomes A Hindrance

Technology is a gift which has improved our lives, but for some of us, it has also become a spiritual hindrance. I wrote a short perspective on this a few years ago which I’ll share with you and then explain.


HOW MANY TIMES have we planned to read scripture, pray, and simply draw near to God, but we allowed some form of technology to hinder us. What if our moments of prayer matched our cell phone screen time. Which would be more dreadful for us, no access to the scriptures or to be unable to log onto our social media platforms?

God can give us a higher definition of any aspect of life, but we prefer to watch HD on a flat screen that projects broken artistic images. Watch and pray? We'll watch Netflix for now and plan to pray later, although later is not promised to any of us.

Technology enhanced our lives and simultaneously put many of us to sleep spiritually and lowered our spiritual temperature to lukewarm. May we repent of this and recognize that time spent with the Lord is infinitely greater than time spent with our tech gadgets and platforms.

I wrote this short literary composition in response to my struggles with technology and the struggles of those around me who were also grappling with utilizing tech wisely.

At the time my average weekly screen time on my cell phone alone was equal to the weekly hours of a full-time job, plus overtime! This served as a hindrance to my spiritual maturation. I would intend to read scripture, pray, and meditate on the Lord, but somehow, I would get distracted by some form of tech, (most often my cell phone) and never do what I had originally intended.

I roamed around the various social media platforms unable to escape the trap of infinite scrolling and as a result, my attention span decreased significantly. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and later TikTok filled any empty moments of my day and sometimes invaded my busy times.

To keep users engaged, social media amplifies the most provocative content, even if it is misinformation and other harmful matters. Human beings are drawn toward the broken images, heated conversations, or in some cases random silliness.

I’m not however attempting to paint social media as a negative thing. The platforms are not the problem but rather the people who program the algorithms and those who upload and post disturbing, infuriating, and galling things. Social media like all forms of tech can be used for much good, such as spreading the Gospel.

I had allowed the assorted forms of tech, that I used, to become a spiritual snare to me, and I was not alone in having done so. I encountered numerous individuals who admitted to having the same issue. It seemed that we were all confined within a technological matrix.

When I recognize a problem/sin in my life I am very radical in my approach towards addressing it. Although correcting my habits didn’t require me to go to such an extreme, I chose to leave social media for a very long period.

To curb my time on my cell phone I purchased a cellular Apple Watch which functions like a somewhat non-smartphone and drastically reduced my screen time. I seldom leave home with my cell phone now and it is not often used when I am home.

Having freed up a significant amount of time, my engaging Bible scripture, reading books by Christian authors, moments of prayer, and fellowship with other believers has increased. Spiritually I feel like a weight has been lifted off me and a greater connection with the Lord has been made.

I have complied with James 4:8, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded,” and as I have let go of my tech habits and drawn closer to God, he has drawn closer to me. I will not return to my old habits!

Rhetorical Question: Are your habits with the forms of technology that you use hindering your spiritual growth and connection with the Lord? If so, when are you going to take the necessary steps to change that?


Want To Make A Name For Yourself? (Part 1)


Why I Rarely Watch Movies