Where Two or Three are Gathered

The ability to gather with other followers of Jesus is a privilege that I do not take for granted. Christ followers in nations that are hostile towards Christianity which have laws designed to restrict or eliminate the ability of Christians to live out their faith are not able to gather openly.

In such circumstances, they are forced to gather in tiny groups, sometimes as small as only two individuals. Despite this, the gathering of just two of them is sufficient for a promise that Jesus made to be fulfilled.

For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Matthew 18:20 (ESV)

Jesus has assured us that when we who follow him gather, even if the number of those present is small, he will be among us.

I have found that each time I assemble with other Christians there is a level of joy, encouragement, and strength gained.

There are times when I am tired and I either want to go home or in some circumstances, I do not want to leave home, and to meet or gather with other believers requires me to push past how I feel. When this occurs, I remember Jesus’ words in Matthew 18:20, and in response, I go and gather with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

An example would be a few weeks ago when I was very tired and longing to go home, but I had an opportunity to attend a gathering. Although home was my desired destination, I chose to go to the place where the gathering was being held.

After it ended, I felt energized and refreshed. I knew that Jesus had kept his promise and had been among us. I sensed his presence throughout the time I was there.

He was present in the greetings we gave one another as we entered the facility. He was present through the scriptures we covered. He was present in the commentary each one gave on those scriptures. He was present when some shared hard things they were facing, and he was present as we exited the building and walked in pairs of two or three to our cars.

I’m not suggesting that there are no moments in which we can miss a gathering. There have been moments in which I chose to stay home, go home, or handle some matter and the choice was made utilizing wisdom.

I want to make the point that we are not to develop a pattern of neglecting opportunities to gather. If we neglect gathering with other followers of Jesus, we forfeit opportunities to experience Jesus’ presence.


Fear Not


All Things Work Together for Good