
My name is Richard Smith, and this site serves as a public journal for me where I share thoughts and experiences rooted in my Christian faith.

Several years ago, I had a blog called The Only Door and thousands of people in multiple countries read my writing frequently.

As social media platforms began to gain more popularity and algorithms made organic reach minimal, unless you paid for it, I saw a sharp decline in engagement on my blog. I eventually gave up blogging.

The desire to blog has always remained within me. I began exploring ideas on how to blog again and what I would write about. The idea of a public journal came to mind and after much thought, I created this website.

As I grow in Jesus Christ, I will share what I am learning and various aspects of my ongoing sanctification. Hopefully, what I write/share on this site will encourage and help you.

Unlike most bloggers, I do not have an email list to collect subscribers. You may bookmark this website and please share it with anyone you think may benefit from reading my writing. You may reach out to me by clicking here.

Grace and peace - Richard