How I Eliminated My Phone Addiction

I have read numerous articles containing data that revealed that those who own smartphones spend an average of 4-6 hours on their devices daily. Based on my experience, I agree with these numbers, and I must confess that I once was addicted to my smartphone.

Most of the people I know have admitted that they too struggle to limit their screen time, but I have rarely met anyone willing to take the necessary steps to change this. I chose to be one of the few who dared to do whatever needed to curb my addiction.

I have written previously about the remedy I discovered for myself in this post, but I will expand on it below by highlighting my struggles and the solution I implemented to address the issues.

The problem:

My smartphone use reached a point in which it hindered my relationship with God, my family, and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

There were moments I intended to pray, read and study Bible scriptures, or just spend some quiet time with God and somehow, I ended up on my smartphone which resulted in hours of wasted time.

Sadly, there were instances where I experienced irritation due to my kids or my wife requesting my attention and I lamented having to get off my phone to be attentive to them and there were times in which their appeals for my attention were met with long delay or rejection.

While with brothers and sisters in Christ, I wrestled with the desire to be on my phone. This hindered my ability to be fully present.

My phone also reduced my productivity at my job, because I had to pick it up frequently and engage various apps or check my email for the hundredth time.

The Solution:

After trying scores of things which ultimately led to failure, I finally discovered a valid solution.

I had always thought that a smartwatch was a terrible waste of money, and I had difficulty understanding their need or benefits.

One day, I came across an article written by a guy who made the case that the Apple Watch is the best dumbphone ever. This piqued my curiosity because I am very much attached to Apple’s ecosystem.

I had tried having a completely non-smartphone a few times, but I always returned to the iPhone because Apple has apps that I love and the reception and audio during calls are much better on a smartphone.

The Apple watch presented a solution to this. I could still utilize helpful apps and avoid the addictive nature that comes with having a smartphone. I decided to give the Apple Watch a try.

The Results:

I purchased the cellular version of an Apple Watch Series 9 which allowed me to leave my iPhone at home and only use my watch throughout the day. My screen time on my phone dropped drastically.

A screenshot I captured recently. The week prior was my busiest week on my phone in months, but still far below my average time before I purchased the watch.

I rarely pick up my iPhone now and usually I do so only to pay a few bills and sometimes I check emails on it at the end of the day. I can also check emails on my watch, but the phone is better for some emails.

My watch contains the apps I want such as Reminders, Messages, Calendar, Weather, Phone, Maps, Music (I use this one while running), and Podcasts (there are two that I listen to weekly). There are many other available apps but those that I have listed are the ones that I use.

The battery within my watch is excellent. It lasts all day and only once have I come close to depleting it. Calls are very clear on it, but I still carry my AirPods and use them during calls. I also carry a charger with me, but using it is never a necessity and rather something I do sporadically.

It’s freeing to go throughout the day without a phone in my pocket. This has caused me to realize how inconvenient it is to carry a small brick (smartphone) around. This alone would make it difficult for me to go back to taking my iPhone everywhere I go.

My Bible reading/studying has been enhanced and I have time to meditate on scripture. My times of prayer have increased, and I feel as though my relationship with God is far more intimate than I have ever experienced.

 I am available for my family at any time with nothing to hinder me from being ready to give them the attention they desire.

When I gather with other followers of Christ, I can be present in a manner in which I was unable to before.


I look forward to seeing how smartwatches will continue to advance, and I believe the use of this type of tech is very beneficial.

One form of advancement that I am hoping for in the future is that an iPhone will not be necessary to have an Apple Watch. For now, the watch needs to be paired with a phone to function properly.

I hope the day will come when the need for smartphones is eliminated because a smartwatch is fully capable of replacing it. That would be very beneficial for many people.


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